Supplemental Privacy Notice for California Residents

This supplemental privacy notice for California residents (the “Notice”) is effective as of August 1, 2020.

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended (“CCPA”), establishes specific rights for you to control your personal information and requires businesses to provide specific information on how personal information is collected, used and shared.

This Notice applies solely to individual residents of the state of California who use our Services (“consumers”, or “you”) and provides you information required by the CCPA and your rights under CCPA. This Notice supplements the information contained in our Privacy Policy which provides more comprehensive information on how and why Unicorn (“we”) collect and process your data.

Unless otherwise expressly stated, capitalized terms in this Notice shall have the same meaning as in our Privacy Policy or as otherwise defined in the CCPA.

How We Collect And Use Personal Information

When we use the term “personal information” in this Notice we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you or your household. For additional information on our data collection, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Depending on the Services you have used, in the last 12 months, we have collected the following categories of personal information about you:

Categories of personal information

Identifiers, such as your alias, IP address, email address, device ID or other identifiers we may assign to your account


Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)), such as your name


Commercial information, such as information regarding purchases you have made


Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as information regarding your interaction with our Services, including your progress in the app, and your interactions with our ads we have outside our Services


Geolocation data, such as your general location determined based on your IP Address


Financial Information

We use payment processors that are our service providers to process your payment transactions on our behalf. They have access to your credit card data, while we may only obtain access from our payment processors to limited card data to allow us to solve issues related to purchases from time to time


We may use or disclose the personal information we collect for one or more of the reasons set forth in Section 3 of our Privacy Policy, and for the business purposes as further detailed in the CCPA as follows:

To Whom We Share Personal Information

As described in Section 5 and 6 of our Privacy Policy, we share information with a variety of recipients, such as our service providers, to achieve these business purposes. The categories of personal information we share for a business purposes are listed above table in Section 1.

We share personal information to, or allow access to personal information by, the following categories of recipients:

We let certain third-party advertising partners collect the categories of personal information identified above in Section 1 for online advertising purposes. These third party businesses collect personal information directly from a device or browser through cookies or similar tracking technologies when a consumer visits or interacts with our websites, uses our apps or otherwise engages with us online. These third parties use your personal information to serve relevant ads outside our Services on other websites or mobile apps, to serve you personalized advertising based on your interests and behavior, and to carry out other services relating to online advertising, such as analytics, reporting and attribution meaning tracking the source of installs related to ads seen outside the Services. These parties may use collected personal information for their own purposes in accordance with their own privacy policies. Because this disclosure of information can be interpreted as “sale” as defined in the CCPA, we provide you the possibility to opt-out from us disclosing your personal information to our advertising partners for this purpose. Please learn more of your opt-out right below in Section 3.

Your Rights And Choices

CCPA grants California residents various rights to their personal information. When you submit a request to exercise your rights, we are required to verify that you are the consumer to whose personal information the request relates or that you are the person authorized to act on behalf of such consumer. If you use the automated tools provided in our applications, we will typically not need any additional information to verify your request. If you submit your request by other means (email), we may need to ask you for additional information to validate that you are the account holder or have the right to act on behalf of the account holder. In certain circumstances, we may decline a request to exercise the right to know and right to deletion, particularly where we are unable to verify your identity.

You have the right to request that we disclose to you, upon verification of your identify, what categories of personal information we have over the past 12 months collected from you, from which categories of sources, for which purposes we have collected that information and also to which categories of third parties we have shared the information with. You also have the right to request a copy of the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you. To learn what categories of personal information, from what sources, for which business purposes we disclose the personal information, please refer to Section 1 and 2 of this Notice. To learn how we “sell” your data within the meaning of CCPA, please refer to “Online Advertising” in Section 2. To request a copy of your data, you can contact us by email at the following address: For more information, please refer to Section 5 in this Notice.

You have the right to request that we delete personal information we have about you. For deleting your data, you can contact us by email at the following address: For more information, please refer to Section 5 in this Notice. Following receiving your verifiable request, we will delete or anonymize your personal information and direct our service providers to do so, unless we have a lawful right to retain your information under the CCPA. For example, we may deny your request if retaining your personal information is necessary to detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activities or to comply with a legal obligation.

You have the right to direct us to not sell your personal information which in our case means that we do no longer share your identifiers and other information with our ads partners to make the ads you see outside our Services more relevant to you. To exercise your right to opt-out, please contact us at the following email address:

You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising any of the rights described above.

Changes To This Notice Your Rights And Choices

We reserve the right to amend this Notice at our discretion and at any time and may update it due to changes in our operations or in the processing of personal information. The date this Notice was last updated is identified at the top of this page. You are responsible for periodically visiting the Unicorn website and this Notice to check for any changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Notice, the ways we collect or use your personal information, your rights and choices regarding such use or if you wish to exercise your rights under the CCPA, you may contact us via email at